
This guy has been training freestyle for 2 years, and NO ONE knew about his existence till now! Why?? Because he has this problem on his left knee and he was ashamed for could do just a few weak foot tricks. It’s kind of funny he’s managed to do atw, palle move, hmatw and going for long combos, but it’s impossible for him doing tatw and amatw weak foot or even weak HTW’s!!

All this time he has been watching for freestyle community and training ALONE without giving up! That’s what I call true effort and love for this sport! ( Btw I think he’s fag for hiding himself all this time 😛 )
Anyway, He’s amazing!

Hope you guys could give him some support. This clips was recorded on 2 training’s. AH, almost forgot! He lives 10 minutes from my house –‘ We’re going to freestyle every week (:

